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curbstone cutting machine line

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Multiblade stone cutting machine line
  • 【Name】Multiblade stone cutting machine line
  • 【Model】
  • 【Category】curbstone cutting machine
  • 【Company】DAFON Machinery
  • 【Clicks】18217
  • 【Time】2021-08-27 02:02:10


It produces about 40m3 of stone every day (24h) and covers a total space of 15m*6m.

Container: one 40GP can hold 3 sets of machines.  

(1 edge cutting machine, 1 slicing machine)


It produces about 20m3 of stone every day (24h) and covers a total space of 9m*6m.

Container: one 20GP can hold 2 sets of machines.

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